Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crime Scene Investigation

Date start: 11/30/11 Date Complete: 11/30/11

Caution!  There are a few crime scenes that had taken place!
Our class was divided into 3 scenarios, and I was in scene 2.

Below, are the suspects and victims that dealt with these crime scenes:

Scene 2 had the clues below:

Exh1: Red head on the hood on the car w/ a slit throat

Exh2: Blood: O- (Both Candi Stores & Ginger Snap)
Exh3A: Candi Stores fingerprint
Exh4: Dark red lipstick (big lower lip print) on a cup

Exh5: Drink in a cup: No poison
Exh6: Cotton sample
Exh7A: Note: "I needed the money!" - Candi Stores

Exh7: Note: “Please Help Me!” - Ginger Snap

Exh8: Wool thread, black

Exh9: Gold necklace/ Chain

Exh10: Fingerprint: Ginger Snap

Exh11: Print Lift: Ulnar Loop

Candi Stores is a porn star who hired Ginger Snaps (bartender) to work for her.  Ginger Snaps was making more money than Candi, and Candi needed money because her business was not going well.  She's ugly so no one wanted her to "entertain" them.  She also got jealous so decided, why not kill Ginger and take her money?  We came to the conclusion that Candi Stores murdered Ginger Snaps for money.  Once we had observed the two notes, we found that one said "Please Help Me!" and the other said "I needed the money!"  The note that said "Please Help Me!" Had matched the handwriting of Ginger Snaps and Candi Store's handwriting matched the note that said "I needed the money!".  One fingerprint clues matched Candy and the other matched Ginger.  The black wool matched with the shirt that Ginger had on in the picture with the slit throat.


  1. I think all of your information is really good, but you might want to make the pictures slightly smaller because they are larger than my whole screen.

  2. More pictures might be helpful. But other than that, good stuff!

  3. There was a good mix of pictures and information kevenn.
